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How do I apply?


Click the forms link on this website if you would like to ride with Chapter II.  Login or register on the forms section and complete an online application and medical form.  Please remember that there are several Chapters who ride different routes.  Chapter II rides from Southern / Central New Jersey across Delaware and Maryland en route to Washington DC.  Remember all Chapters meet on the outskirts of Washington DC and ride from a designated point into the National Police Officer's Memorial together.  If you have any questions please feel free to email any of the Eboard members under the Executive Board section.  We are always available to answer questions about the Tour.

Who can be a Police Unity Tour® Member?

Membership to this organization is open to all full or part time law enforcement officers, whether active or retired. Civilians 18 years of age, or older, who are employed or affiliated with law enforcement agencies and related organizations or possess specific training or skills required to safely and effectively assist the organization may apply. These affiliations include, but are not limited to: dispatchers, first aid personnel and members of organizations such as the Concerns of Police Survivors, Domestic Violence Response Teams. 

What are the dates of the ride?

Chapter II leaves New Jersey on May 10th and rides to Washington DC until May 12th. Chapter II also participates in the National Law Enforcement Candlelight Vigil on May 13th. 

How much does it cost to participate?

Members are required to raise a minimum of $1900.00. All members are required to submit a non refundable and non transferable $100.00 application fee, this does not go towards your membership fee.
Your application is pending until the $100.00 application fee is received. The application fee is DUE 10 DAYS AFTER YOUR APPLICATION IS FILLED OUT! All donations are tax deductible. 

What do I need to wear while on the Police Unity Tour?

All riders must wear a PUT jersey everyday and black riding shorts/pants. All support personnel must wear black shorts/pants and a blue support shirt for every day of the ride. Purchased on the Forms section.

Where does my money go?

Of the $1900.00 each member raises, around $1000.00 or more goes toward the National Law Enforcement Memorial. Our collective donation is then utilized to run the Memorial and the National Police Officer’s Museum. The remainder is utilized in operating the Tour. This may appear to be a lot of money to participate but there are considerable expenses, which are incurred as a result of this venture i.e. hotels, insurance, food, supplies etc. Since our inception we have risen in excess of one million dollars for the N.L.E.O.M.F. and are nationally recognized as the largest private and or corporate sponsor.

But who can ride?

Chapter II permits only full time or retired law enforcement officers and survivors to participate as riders.  All other members may participate as a support member. 

When is my money due?

The deadline for applications is when 200 applications are reached. Then a wait list is started. Or October 4th, 2021. All applications received after this date will be put on a wait list. All remaining money is due at the meeting in April.

What safety equipment do I need to participate?

All bicycle riders must wear a helmet and eye protection at all times. New members are strongly urged to get "fitted" to their bicycles. While road bikes are the predominant choice, mountain and hybrids bicycles are welcome. Each rider should train and be familiar with their bicycles. Extra tires and water bottles are a basic necessity.

How do I get home?

Each rider is responsible for making their own return travel arrangements.  Chapter II can transport luggage and bicycles back to New Jersey but this must be prearranged.  Members are responsible to make arrangements for pickup of their luggage and bicycles at a predetermined date and time after the tour.  Information about this will be disseminated at the January Meeting.  Anyone who is having difficulty finding a ride should speak to a member of the Chapter II executive board to coordinate with another member or group to carpool.


Police Unity Tour - Chap II


Sea Isle City, NJ 08243

2025 Police Unity Tour

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